The Red War has claimed its first casualties; my pen will not remain idle.
At the beginning of this year, I signed The Mulmaster Nobility’s Declaration setting Mulmaster a neutral zone and off limits to conflict. I also signed the Zhentarim Pledge for the Protection of Mulmaster, declaring that any attack on the people or guests of Mulmaster would be considered a direct attack on the Zhentarim. I stand by both of these public statements and reaffirm my love for this city.
Since the Elemental Cultist attack, the citizens and nobles alike have looked to both the Zhentarim and Red Wizards as sources of aid and vital supplies. Should conditions escalate, there is a chance Thayan supplies could be cut off. Rest assured, that will not be an issue for the Family. We continue to secure our trade routes.
I pen this letter from an undisclosed warehouse. in many like it, members of the Family organize distributions throughout the city. We work with other Mulmaster institutions, including the Tymoran Mission, to ensure that no one starves or suffers, regardless of events across Faerun. While others have promised lucrative care packages that are yet to arrive, we currently aid the people directly to reduce losses through “the bureaucracy”.
While others speak of continuous aid, our intention is to make Mulmaster self-sufficient. The Zhentarim promised both materials and labor to repair and restore the harbor. You can see the repairs already underway. As of today, our markets are open to those outside of the family. For luxuries, we offer wholesale agreements with all merchants loyal to Mulmaster to ensure the city’s economy thrive as well.
As a young lad, I was among the first refugees of Zhentil Keep to arrive and populate the ghettos. I’ve seen how kind and generous this Jewel Of the Moonsea can be for those in need. In these times of great strife, I urge us as citizens of Mulmaster; do not segregate individuals into labels or ghettos.
I do not write this to pick any side other than this city. Because of this, I want to remind all parties from every side of this conflict:
Mulmaster is Protected.
Zor Ergaravon Bannidulles. Ardragon of the Zhentarim and active adventurer.
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