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Emerald Enclave Declares War

In a surprise move today, a splinter group from the Emerald Enclave consisting of high ranking members issued a declaration declaring all out war on the nation of Thay. In addition to requesting aid from many highly powerful factions ranging from the Harpers to the Lord’s Alliance, each signing member of the declaration pledged their lives to the cause. It seems as if they are dedicating themselves fully to this cause, using strong phrases such as “…the Red Wizards are discordant to the song of life within Faerûn.” and even calling out the leader of Thay, Szass Tam, announcing him to be a “tyrant”.

As it has been made public, you may read the entire declaration here: Shadowtop_Cathedral_Declaration


  1. Anonymous February 16, 2018

    “This red war is a fools game, the declaration timing just as Mulmaster is being aided worries me. Does the Emerald Enclave really want Thay to abandon Mulmaster as Thay states so the EE can take over as they have in Turmish? It seems the other factions have also been surprised, the Order of the Gauntlet was heavily involved stopping the evil of Chult. The Lords Alliance will lose much, and the Zentarim are caught with their trousers astray as their Mulmaster will be a big loser. The Harpers have come out of hiding, exposing themselves to revenge from not only Thay, and will have to be regrown by the Moonstars or some as such.”

    “Unlike the Dragon events, the factions are split, horribly saddled with refugees that they caused in the elemental battles, and looking less like saviors than tyrants fighting over spoils. “.

    • Anonymous February 10, 2023

      And the Moonstars shall meet the challenge, rebuilding the Harpers. Again.

  2. Tick Tarry Tanner Killed by Red Wizards in Hillsfar - Thunderquill Tribune May 3, 2018

    […] of the Shadowtop Cathedral Declaration, leader of the movement against Thay, the gnome Tick Tarry Tanner was shot and killed by Red Wizard […]

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