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Posts tagged as “factions”

The Red War: What Is It?

NEW UPDATE Arpil 24, 2018 As of late, tensions have been heating up and there are rumors of a showdown in Mulmaster with the Red…

Faction Study: The Harpers

The Harpers range from “wholesome individuals trying to do what’s right” to “meddlers of the realms” to “idealists to the point of lunacy,” depending on…

Faction Study: Zhentarim

Out of all of the factions of Faerún, the Zhentarim (alternatively known as the Black Network) has the most “complicated” history. They go back centuries…

Faction Study: Lords’ Alliance

Although officially called a “faction” when discussing such things, the Lords’ Alliance is more of an agreement between the powerful rulers of Faerún to bankroll…